Wednesday, March 3, 2021


Dad has started walking with a cane at therapy! 
He does ok, still unstable. 

And...for the first time since September, he is behind the wheel! 
He has driven a couple of times and is doing great! 

 Every day is a step in the right direction!

Wednesday, January 13, 2021


Dad is doing well! 
He continues with outpatient therapy three times per week. 
This week he went to Nate's for the night to watch the National Championship game. 
Keep those well wishes coming!


Friday, December 18, 2020


As we hit the one year anniversary of my dad's first accident, we visited the Orthopedic Surgeon for a follow up. 
And...he's been released!! 
He is free from the doctor but continues on with PT, three times per week. 
Continue to send those prayers. 


Monday, November 9, 2020


 On 11.3, my dad was released from the rehab. 
He went straight to his house this time. 
Send love and prayers for no more falls!


 Due to COVID, my dad was in quarantine. 
As soon as he was able to visit, we scheduled a window visit with him! 
It isn't the same, but better than nothing. 


 We decided to get my dad out of the house for a little bit. 
John and I went over to pick him up and wouldn't you know that as we were walking out to the car, 
he lost his balance and fell. Fracturing his pelvis in two places. The good news is, it isn't shattered so no surgery. Bad news, he has to go to a long term rehab to get better. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


My dad had his two month post op appointment. 
Everything is healing nicely and he received new braces. 
He was struggling with the other braces because they kept catching when he walked which was causing a trip hazard. We just want to eliminate any of those. 
Here is the updated x-ray and his new braces!